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Back In Service

Chris Evans - Waterloo, Ontario


Chris has been with the Fire Department for over twenty-six years.  As the inventor of SafeSystems and the creator of Diamond Medical Services, Chris leads a very active entrepreneurial life.  One that provides numerous jobs and opportunities, helps save lives and makes Canada proud.


In Chris’ profession, the need to replace hoses, protective gear and tools is necessary and recurring.  The challenge, of course, is the waste.  Chris saw an opportunity to divert that waste and manufacture various products out of the materials.  This hobby has led to an ever-growing demand, and he has since gone on to create dozens of different products that employ local tradespeople and some very creative designers.


The struggle has been in getting the word out and being seen.  Help shed light on this Canadian Entrepreneur.

Explore the Collection

Innovatively repurposed firefighting products.

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